My scratchpad, and why you should have one too!

05.01.2024 2 min read
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Here you can find my scratchpad for programming and computer related stuff.

This is the place I go to for playing around with new things, testing stuff or for anything I feel like I need to have a look at the basics again before continuing.

It’s not more, just that. But trust me having a scratchpad is great. So here is why you should have one too:

  • I’m not creating random folders for tests all over my pc and instead keep these things organized too
  • I keep whatever I wrote in a place where I can find it in the future
  • There are no rules for quality here, but it being a repo filters out the absolute worst on commit-time
  • I reduce the chances of loosing stuff I know I did somewhere once and can search for it here
  • I regularly use things I experimented with here as examples when teaching others during my day work

So, go and create your own scratchpad. You won’t regret it!

gh repo create scratchpad -c -d "Where I mess up first" --disable-wiki --public